
Chrome extension that converts dollar amounts in webpage to time needed to make said dollar amount given input hourly wage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Chrome extension that converts dollar amounts in webpage to time needed to make said dollar amount given input hourly wage.

Known Issues:

  • Ranged prices such as those in Amazon aren't covered yet
  • Prices divided into seperate divs aren't covered yet, for example semantic superscript tags

Release Timeline:

  • 1.1 (2/2/2019)
    • Coverage for sibling element prices
    • Coverage for ranged prices
    • Popup UI update

How To Run Locally

<TODO: If you're an employer, I promise I just updated this so it wasn't empty :)>


Check it out here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/timeismoney/pghekmhkfpfooncoclahpbgdggkdifjm?hl=en