What is this and how do I set it up?

This is a small app with some unit testing examples. Below are explanations for each file

To set up:

  1. run npm i
  2. run npm run test to see CLI or npm run coverage to open coverage report


This is a simple validation function using Regex to confirm if a given email is valid or not. The associated tests are located in /tests/validateEmail.test.js


This is a simple addition function that takes a callback. This example is used to show how to mock out dependent function calls. Remember: we want to focus only on the function we're testing, not subsequent functions our focused function calls. Mocking allows us to control these calls. The associated tests are located in /tests/add.test.js


This is an example of a function using a module. In our associated test file, we mock out the express instance in place of our own mock, as shown in /test/server.test.js


How do I get coverage reports?

Run `open -a "Google Chrome" coverage/lcov-report/index.html` from command line