
A universal Discord rich presence for all Steam games

SteamRPC - A universal Discord rich presence for all Steam games

This software uses data from your Steam profile to generate your game title and status, this can be useful as many games on Steam provide a detailed status of the game and it's current activities. The goal of this project is to create a universal RPC that will display on your Discord profile as "Playing Steam Game", followed by "Game Title", "Current Activity", as well as displaying the cover art for the game you're currently playing (Similar to how the Nintendo Switch RPC works). I feel this is a good way to display the game you're currently playing, and what you're doing (proven conversation starter).

Notice: As of now this application is not working

  • I am actively working on the code for this app, so please stay tuned

Getting Started (When the project is fully functional)

To get started you're going to need the following information before running the setup (setup.exe/setup.py)

Discord Application

To make your Discord Application, follow these steps:



To add more cover images, and small images for the games you provide, you will need to upload them to the assets portion of your steam applet.


  • Finally, add your game title in "SteamRPC" along with the corresponding asset name

Please let me know if you have any issues, suggestions, or if you would like to contribute in to improving the software.