Docker Flow Proxy with Let's Encrypt and Portainer

Swarm setup at La Scuola Open Source for reverse-proxying per service and Portainer interface. Based on Docker Flow Proxy with Docker Swarm Listener, using harmburml/docker-flow-letsencrypt for certificates handling, jwilder/whoami for testing and Portainer to manage the Swarm.


Create the swarm

This command will start the Swarm and join it as manager:

sudo docker swarm init

Then use the printed command to let every node join the swarm as worker. You can retrieve the manager token with:

sudo docker swarm join-token manager

Create overlay network for proxy

Create the proxy network to let services communicate with reverse-proxy:

sudo docker network create -d overlay proxy

Create letsencrypt folder to store certificates

For now the setup needs a folder to store container. It will probably be implemented with Volumes soon.

sudo mkdir /etc/letsencrypt/

Configure Proxy

Lock letsencrypt-companion to main node

You need to set your Leader Manager node ID in proxy/flow.yml. You can retrieve it with:

sudo docker node ls

Copy and paste the ID in proxy/flow.ymlat line:

constraints: [ == paste node id here ]

Configure your Domains

You can set your domains name as DOMAIN1, DOMAIN2, etc. If you tweak them you should also match 'em in each service labels. Be sure your DNS and routerd are forwarding requests to one of your Swarm nodes.

Depoloy Stacks

Deploy the Docker Flow Proxy (with letsencrypt) stack to start generating certificates:

sudo docker stack deploy -c flow.yml proxy

Deploy Portainer stack:

sudo docker stack deploy -c portainer-agent-stack.yml portainer

Deploy the Whoami test service:

sudo docker stack deploy -c who.yml who


You can now access portainer at:

and Whoami: