laser rescattering excitation of atomic inner shell
Select an element for this process
Using rksuite.cpp, rksuite.h, and IonProbLi.cpp (changes will have to be made for atomic parameters of the selected element), generate the ion populations for the selected element, all the way down to the bare nucleus. If running on the Caviness cluster, you will also need the job file jobLi.qs. Once these curves are generated, plot them up and determine which ion number will be your starting state (an ion with an empty outer shell, roughly 90% population) and which ion number will be your final ionization state (the next ionized species, at roughly 10% ionization.) This code should output a .dat file.
Using TableGammaLambdaI.nb, find the appropriate wavelength and intensity combinations (will be generated by functions in the file once specific parameters are inputted.) Alternatively, if the intensity and wavelength are already known for the element and its ionization state that you are investigating, steps 2 and 3 can be skipped.
Using rksuite.cpp, rksuite.h, ran.h, nr3.h, deviates.h, and cutoff_v5.cpp, run the cutoff code as the intermediary step. This cutoff code will require some atomic parameters as well as the intensities and wavelengths generated in the previous step. This code should output a .dat file. If running on the Caviness cluster, you will also need the job file jobCutoff.qs.
Taking the .dat file from the cutoff code and using the files logger.h, logger.cpp, data1D.h, data1D.cpp, collection1D.h, collection1D.cpp, and postProcess_v3.cpp, run the post processing of the data generated by the cutoff process. Put the makefile in the same folder to use the "make" command to compile on the cluster. There will be a few things to fill in in the postProcess_v3.cpp file about the naming of the input files generated previously. If running on the cluster, you will need jobPostProcess.qs. This code will output a few files; the one containing the useful fluence data for calculating the total number of holes is the binNorm file. Add both bound 1 and bound 2 together for the total fluence.
With the binNorm file and the cross-section data for the element in question (NIST or other resources), the fluence can be calculated by multiplying the flux and the cross-section and integrating. Make sure that the cross section data for a given point is for the same energy as the fluence data point.