
Easily setup Magento 2 sites to develop locally

Primary LanguageShell


Laser Red Boson

Easily setup Magento 2 sites to develop locally

Required Software

  1. VirtualBox
  2. Vagrant

WINDOWS USERS: https://superuser.com/questions/124679/how-do-i-create-a-link-in-windows-7-home-premium-as-a-regular-user?answertab=votes#125981

Initial Setup

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install guest additions for VirtualBox vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
  3. Start the VM vagrant --hostname=[hostname] up (this will default to boson)


  1. Start the VM vagrant --hostname=[hostname] up
  2. Copy or clone your git repo into your sites local directory, if you're working on an exising project
  3. Import your DB using phpMyAdmin (remember to replace your site URL's)


Local file webroot will be at www/[hostname]

Site will be served from http://[hostname].local

phpMyAdmin is available from port 8080 (http://[hostname].local:8080)

Built with love by the team at Laser Red