
Hadoop MapReduce tool to convert Avro data files to Parquet format.

Primary LanguageJava


Hadoop MapReduce program to convert Avro data files to Parquet format.


git clone https://github.com/laserson/avro2parquet.git
cd avro2parquet
mvn clean package

This will generate the jar files in the target/ directory.


This tool will work on Avro container files (which I believe is just the standard Avro data file format). It contains the Avro GenericRecord objects as the key and a NullWritable as the value.

The tool is currently hardcoded to output Snappy-compressed Parquet. It is simply a MapReduce job using the Tool interface.

The command is like so:

hadoop jar <avro2parquet jar file> \
com.cloudera.science.avro2parquet.Avro2Parquet \
<and generic options to the JVM> \
hdfs:///path/to/avro/schema.avsc \
hdfs:///path/to/avro/data \

so for example:

hadoop jar avro2parquet-0.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
com.cloudera.science.avro2parquet.Avro2Parquet \
-D mapred.child.java.opts=-Xmx1024M \
hdfs:///user/lasersou/schemas/data.avsc \
hdfs:///user/lasersou/data \