
Plugin to support cucumber-jvm in Gradle builds

Primary LanguageGherkinMIT LicenseMIT


Gradle Cucumber Plugin

![Cucumber Logo] (https://cucumber.io/images/cucumber-logo.svg)

The gradle cucumber plugin provides the ability to run cucumber acceptance tests directly from a gradle build. The plugin utilizes the cucumber cli provided by the cucumber-jvm project and should support any of the languages utilized in cucumber-jvm.

(Currently only tested with Java, Groovy, and JRuby more coming soon!)


Using the plugin in your gradle build script

From v0.7 on

To use in Gradle 2.1 and later…

      plugins {
        id "com.github.samueltbrown.cucumber" version "0.9"

To use in earlier versions of Gradle…

      buildscript {
        repositories {
        dependencies {
          classpath "com.github.samueltbrown:gradle-cucumber-plugin:0.9"
      apply plugin: "com.github.samueltbrown.cucumber"

Before v0.7

You can apply the plugin using the following buildscript:

  apply plugin: 'cucumber'

  buildscript {
      repositories {

      dependencies {
          classpath 'com.github.samueltbrown:gradle-cucumber-plugin:0.6'

Older versions can be downloaded directly from GitHub like so;

  buildscript {
      apply from: 'https://github.com/samueltbrown/gradle-cucumber-plugin/raw/master/repo/gradle-cucumber-plugin/gradle-cucumber-plugin/0.3/cucumberinit.gradle'

Running the Tests only

Once the plugin has been applied, the project dependencies need to be updated with the cucumber-jvm jar file needed for your language. Below 'groovy' is the chosen language.

  dependencies {


  	cucumberRuntime 'info.cukes:cucumber-groovy:1.2.2'


Building and Running the Tests

If you have a src/cucumber source set (similar to src/test), the plugin will automatically detect it and setup Java tasks and configurations for you. The "cucumber" code unit depends on "test", the same way "test" depends on "main". Also, choose your library dependencies:

  dependencies {

  	cucumberCompile 'info.cukes:cucumber-groovy:1.2.2'


Write your feature files under src/cucumber/resources.

Available Tasks

Currently the plugin only supports one task to run your cucumber tests:

  > gradle cucumber

Cucumber Task Configuration

The cucumber task has several configurable properties:

  • formats: A list of output formats. (Defaults to pretty)
  • glueDirs: A list of directories where stepdefs and supporting code are located (Defaults to src/test/java)
  • featureDirs: A list of directories where feature files are located.(Defaults to src/test/resources)
  • tags: a list of the tags of the scenarios to run (['@a,~@b', '@c'] reads as (@a OR NOT @b) AND @c)
  • monochrome: A boolean value indicating if console output should be one color. (Defaults to false)
  • strict: A boolean value indicating whether scenarios should be evaluated strictly. (Defaults to false)
  • dryRun: A boolean value indicating whether scenarios should be run as a dry run. (Defaults to false)
  • jvmOptions {}: a DSL block configuring the spawned process. Options are the same as for JavaExec.
  • ignoreFailures: A boolean value indicating whether failures from the cucumber runner should be ignored or not. Defaults to false

Example task configuration

cucumber {
    formats = ['pretty','json:build/cucumber.json','junit:build/cucumber.xml']
    glueDirs = ['src/test/resources/env',
    featureDirs = ['src/test/resources/features']
    tags = ['@billing', '@important']
    monochrome = false
    strict = false
    dryRun = false
    ignoreFailures = false
    jvmOptions {
      maxHeapSize = '512m'
      environment 'ENV', 'staging'


You must use Cucumber version 1.1.6 or higher.

Release Notes


  • Minimum Gradle version is now 2.0
  • Uses the --plugin rather than --format arg for the cucumber runner when using cucumber-jvm 1.2.+
  • Introduces ignoreFailures convention for test running.


  • Cucumber is now executed as a separate process using an underlying JavaExec task.


  • Fixed support of Java 1.6/1.7


  • Dependency on specific version of Cucumber now has a provided scope.


  • Minimum Cucumber version is now 1.1.6.
  • Fixed support of multiple tags.
  • Fixed execution on Windows


  • Windows support
  • Idea integration: Cucumber source dirs automatically added to modules with test scope

Coming Soon

  • Automatic dependency retrieval and default glue dirs for each jvm language
  • Simplified task configuration
  • Command-line arguments to override task configuration


As you would expect, clone, push to GitHub and create a pull request for us to review and merge.

Make sure you are using jdk 1.6 when running tests (jenv is our friend here).

Pushing to Maven Central

  ./gradlew \
    -Psigning.secretKeyRingFile=path/to/ring.gpg \
    -Psigning.keyId=GPG_KEYID \
    -Psigning.password=$GPG_PASS \
    -PsonatypeUsername=$SONATYPE_USER \
    -PsonatypePassword=$SONATYPE_PASS \
    clean uploadArchives

It is possible to save some or all of those properties to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties.