
Go server for two-man rule style file encryption and decryption.

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

Red October

Red October is a software-based two-man rule style encryption and decryption server.


Build StatusCoverage Status

This project requires Go 1.4 or later to compile. Verify your go version by running go version:

$ go version
go version go1.4

As with any Go program you do need to set the GOPATH environment variable accordingly. With Go set up you can download and compile sources:

$ go get github.com/cloudflare/redoctober

And run the tests:

$ go test github.com/cloudflare/redoctober...


Red October is a TLS server. It requires a local file to hold the key vault, an internet address, and a certificate keypair.

First you need to acquire a TLS certificate. The simplest (and least secure) way is to skip the Certificate Authority verification and generate a self-signed TLS certificate. Read this detailed guide or, alternatively, follow these insecure commands:

$ mkdir cert
$ chmod 700 cert
## Generate private key with password "password"
$ openssl genrsa -aes128 -passout pass:password -out cert/server.pem 2048
## Remove password from private key
$ openssl rsa -passin pass:password -in cert/server.pem -out cert/server.pem
## Generate CSR (make sure the common name CN field matches your server
## address. It's set to "localhost" here.)
$ openssl req -new -key cert/server.pem -out cert/server.csr -subj '/C=US/ST=California/L=Everywhere/CN=localhost'
## Sign the CSR and create certificate
$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in cert/server.csr -signkey cert/server.pem -out cert/server.crt
## Clean up
$ rm cert/server.csr
$ chmod 600 cert/*

You're ready to run the server:

$ ./bin/redoctober -addr=localhost:8080 \
                   -vaultpath=diskrecord.json \
                   -certs=cert/server.crt \

Quick start: example webapp

At this point Red October should be serving an example webapp. Access it using your browser:

Using the API

The server exposes several JSON API endpoints. JSON of the prescribed format is POSTed and JSON is returned.

  • /create: Create the first admin account.
  • /delegate: Delegate a password to Red October
  • /create-user: Create a user
  • /modify: Modify permissions
  • /encrypt: Encrypt
  • /decrypt: Decrypt
  • /owners: List owners of an encrypted secret.
  • /summary: Display summary of the delegates
  • /password: Change password
  • /index: Optionally, the server can host a static HTML file.


Create is the necessary first call to a new vault. It creates an admin account.

Example query:

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/create \
        -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis"}'


Delegate allows a user to delegate their decryption password to the server for a fixed period of time and for a fixed number of decryptions. If the user's account is not created, it creates it. Any new delegation overrides the previous delegation.

Example query:

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/delegate \
       -d '{"Name":"Bill","Password":"Lizard","Time":"2h34m","Uses":3}'
$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/delegate \
       -d '{"Name":"Cat","Password":"Cheshire","Time":"2h34m","Uses":3}'
$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/delegate \
       -d '{"Name":"Dodo","Password":"Dodgson","Time":"2h34m","Uses":3}'

Create User

Create Users creates a new user account. Allows an optional "UserType" to be specified which controls how the record is encrypted. This can have a value of either "RSA" or "ECC" and if none is provided will default to "RSA".

Example query:

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/create-user \
       -d '{"Name":"Bill","Password":"Lizard","UserType":"ECC"}'


Summary provides a list of the users with keys on the system, and a list of users who have currently delegated their key to the server.

Example query:

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/summary  \
        -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis"}'
  "Alice":{"Admin":true, "Type":"RSA"},
  "Bill":{"Admin":false, "Type":"RSA"},
  "Cat":{"Admin":false, "Type":"RSA"},
  "Dodo":{"Admin":false, "Type":"RSA"}


Encrypt allows a user to encrypt a piece of data. A list of valid users is provided and a minimum number of delegated users required to decrypt. The returned data can be decrypted as long as "Minimum" number users from the set of "Owners" have delegated their keys to the server.

Example query:

$ echo "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" | openssl base64

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/encrypt  \
        -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis","Minimum":2, "Owners":["Alice","Bill","Cat","Dodo"],"Data":"V2h5IGlzIGEgcmF2ZW4gbGlrZSBhIHdyaXRpbmcgZGVzaz8K"}'

Example query with a predicate:

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/encrypt  \
        -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis","Predicate":"Alice & (Bob | Carl)",

The data expansion is not tied to the size of the input.


Decrypt allows a user to decrypt a piece of data. As long as "Minimum" number users from the set of "Owners" have delegated their keys to the server, a base64 encoded object with the clear data and the set of "Owners" whose private keys were used is returned.

Example query:

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/decrypt  \
        -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis","Data":"eyJWZXJzaW9uIj...NSSllzPSJ9"}'

If there aren't enough keys delegated you'll see:

{"Status":"need more delegated keys"}


Owners allows users to determine which delegations are needed to decrypt a piece of data.

Example query:

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/owners  \
        -d '{"Data":"eyJWZXJzaW9uIj...NSSllzPSJ9"}'


Password allows a user to change their password. This password change does not require the previously encrypted files to be re-encrypted.

Example Input JSON format:

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/password \
       -d '{"Name":"Bill","Password":"Lizard", "NewPassword": "theLizard"}'


Modify allows an admin user to change information about a given user. There are 3 commands:

  • revoke: revokes the admin status of a user
  • admin: grants admin status to a user
  • delete: removes the account of a user

Example input JSON format:

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/modify \
       -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis","ToModify":"Bill","Command":"admin"}'


Purge deletes all delegates for an encryption key.

Example input JSON format:

$ curl --cacert cert/server.crt https://localhost:8080/purge \
       -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis"}'


Order creates a new order and lets other users know delegations are needed.

Example input JSON format:

$ curl --cacert server/server.crt https://localhost:8080/order \
       -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis","Labels": ["Blue","Red"],\
   "Admins": [
    "AdminsDelegated": null,
    "Delegated": 0,
    "DurationRequested": 3.6e+12,
    "Labels": [
    "Name": "Alice",
    "Num": "77da1cfd8962fb9685c15c84",
    "TimeRequested": "2016-01-25T15:58:41.961906679-08:00",

Orders Outstanding

Orders Outstanding will return a list of current order numbers

Example input JSON format:

$ curl --cacert server/server.crt https://localhost:8080/orderout
       -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis"}'
        "Admins":["Bob, Eve"],

Order Information

Example input JSON format:

$ curl --cacert server/server.crt https://localhost:8080/orderinfo
       -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis", \
    "Admins": [
    "AdminsDelegated": null,
    "Delegated": 0,
    "DurationRequested": 3.6e+12,
    "Labels": [
    "Name": "Alice",
    "Num": "77da1cfd8962fb9685c15c84",
    "TimeRequested": "2016-01-25T15:58:41.961906679-08:00"

Order Cancel

Example input JSON format:

$ curl --cacert server/server.crt https://localhost:8080/orderinfo
       -d '{"Name":"Alice","Password":"Lewis", \

Web interface

You can build a web interface to manage the Red October service using the -static flag and providing a path to the HTML file you want to serve.

The index.html file in this repo provides a basic example for using all of the service's features, including encrypting and decrypting data. Data sent to the server needs to be base64 encoded. The example uses JavaScript's btoa and atob functions for string conversion. For dealing with files directly, using the HTML5 File API would be a good option.