
Portuguese Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction Tasks at IberLEF 2019

Primary LanguagePython

Task 1 - Named Entity Recognition

The first task we propose is NER, the task of identifying proper nouns within a given text and classifying them into one of many relevant categories or within a default category known as Miscellaneous. Our objective with this task is to evaluate the proposed systems in many textual genres. For datasets that have as main textual genres: news, memorandums, e-mails, interviews and magazine articles, we will evaluate the following categories: PER – Person, PLC – Place, ORG – Organization, VAL – Value and TME – Time. On the other hand, for Clinical notes and Legal texts, of which we will only evaluate the PER – Person category.

Run Evaluation

ATTENTION: The output of your system must contain a special token in order to divide both datasets "StartSecondHAREM", everything below this token belongs to the second HAREM and therefore only the category Value, in other words, all the other categories must be mapped to "O". Above the "StartSecondHAREM" token the category Value must be mapped to "O". We manually made this changes for each participant and used the script v1EvaluationAlgorithm. However, we also made available the script v2EvaluationAlgorithm that automatically do these changes.

In case you manually change your output:

STEP 1: Do the changes described above. You can use a text editor such as Sublime Text 3;

STEP 2: Clone this repository;

STEP 3: In TASK1 folder run our script:

python3 v1EvaluationAlgorithm.py <output_of_your_system.txt> shDataset.txt <name_output_file_alignment.txt>

In case you want the changes to happen automatically:

STEP 1: Clone this repository;

STEP 2: In TASK1 folder run our script:

python3 v2EvaluationAlgorithm.py <output_of_your_system.txt> shDataset.txt <name_output_file_alignment.txt>

Task 2 - Relation Extraction for Named Entities

We propose a RE task that involves the automatic extraction of any relation descriptor expressing any type of relation between a pair of Named Entities of the Person, Place and Organization categories in Portuguese language texts.

Run Evaluation

STEP 1: Clone this repository;

STEP 2: In TASK2 folder, run our script's help function for further instructions in how to use it:

python avaliaIberLEFtask2.py --help

Task 3 - General Open Relation Extraction

The task of general open relation extraction aims to identify structured representations of the information contained in unstructured sources, such as textual documents. This task faces many challenges, considering the generality of the problem, as well as the required linguistic knowledge to automatically perform such a task.

Run Evaluation

STEP 1: Clone this repository;

STEP 2: In TASK3 folder, run our script's help function for further instructions in how to use it:

python avaliaIberLEFtask3.py --help

Citing our Paper

  author    = {Sandra Collovini and
               Joaquim Francisco Santos Neto and
               Bernardo Scapini Consoli and
               Juliano Terra and
               Renata Vieira and
               Paulo Quaresma and
               Marlo Souza and
               Daniela Barreiro Claro and
               Rafael Glauber},
  title     = {IberLEF 2019 Portuguese Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum co-located with
               35th Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing,
               IberLEF@SEPLN 2019, Bilbao, Spain, September 24th, 2019.},
  pages     = {390--410},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2421/NER\_Portuguese\_overview.pdf}