How to use C2Z to integrate Dear IMGUI into a Zig application

1. Why is C2Z?

  • Binding generator for C++, but it can also transpile some inline functions and template classes
  • It has a zig implementation for std::vector and std::string, so no opaque pointers

2. Setup

  • zig 0.11.0-dev.3220+447a30299 is the only requirement
  • clone from, here I'm using the commit 3d0a7c9
  • build it using zig build
  • copy zig-out\c2z.exe to your path or program folder

3. Basic usage

  • run c2z -- -DIMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_KEYIO -DIMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_FUNCTIONS .\lib\imgui\imgui.h to generate the first set of bindings
  • c2z is meant automate 90% of the work, the other 10% is with you

4. How to maintain and upgrade bindings

  • regenerate bindings for the current version
  • generate a bindings for newest version
  • compare both of them (I like to use WinMerge)
  • copy the relevant data