
Library for creating .bpp and .cix files for Biesse CNC

Primary LanguageC#


BppLib consists of several libraries for creating "bpp","cix" and "cid" files for Biesse CNC:

  • BppLib.Core - the main purpose of this library is to create tools for generating "bpp" and "cix" files.

    A Nuget Package is available. Nuget Nuget

  • BppLib.BppParser - will read a "bpp" file and produce a BppLib.Core.BiesseProgram from it.

    A Nuget Package is available. Nuget Nuget

  • BppLib.CixParser - will read a "cix" file and produce a BppLib.Core.BiesseProgram from it.

    A Nuget Package is available. Nuget Nuget

  • BppLib.CIDFile - the main purpose of this library is to create tools for generating "cid" files.

  • BppLib.Examples - contains examples.