
vk.com API python wrapper

Primary LanguagePython

vk.com API Python wrapper

This is a vk.com (aka vkontakte.ru, largest Russian social network) python API wrapper. The goal is to support all API methods (current and future) that can be accessed from server.


pip install vk

Get access

import vk

# Use app id, user email/phone and password for access to API
vkapi = vk.API('my_app_id', 'user_login', 'user_password')
# or ready access token
vkapi = vk.API(access_token='access_token')

Make requests

>>> vkapi.getServerTime()
>>> profiles = vkapi.users.get(user_id=1)
>>> profiles[0]['last_name']
>>> # alternative syntax
>>> profiles = vkapi('users.get', user_id=1)
>>> profiles[0]['last_name']

All API methods that can be called from server should be supported.

See https://vk.com/dev/methods for detailed API help.