
my vim configuration

Primary LanguageShell

my vim configuration

Cheat sheat

Cheat sheat

Git Hub usage

get from github:
git clone git@github.com:lastagile/vim.git
git pull
echo "set up ssh key first. then update submodules"
# git submodule init
# git submodule update
# git submodule foreach git pull origin master
# git submodule update --init --recursive

update to github:
git add <files>
git rm <files>
git remote add origin github.com/lastagile/vim.git
git commit -a -m "xxxxxx"
git push

Git SSH KEY setep 1 and setep 2
Git for Vim Refrence
Git visual guide
Git submodule

Add git sub module

git submodule add git@github.com:oblitum/bufkill bundle/bufkill

Remove sub module

edite :.gitmodules and .git/config
git rm --cached bundle/bufkill

Vim setting:

To Evernote
To ZiLong


F1  关掉,防止跳出帮助
F2  set nu/nonu
F5  set paste/nopaste
F8  tagbar
空格 /折叠
Y   =y$   复制到行尾
H =0
L =$
w!!  以sudo的权限保存
t    新起一行,下面,不进入插入模式
T    新起一行,上面
hjkl  上下左右
ctrl + jkhl 进行上下左右窗口跳转,不需要ctrl+w+jkhl
gc<action>  注释代码
gcc 注释本行代码
5j/5k  在相对行号模式下,往上移动5行 往下移动5行
,w :w!
,f :find
,q :q
,r :reg
,n nerdtree
,/ 去除匹配高亮
空格 折叠代码
<c-n> normal模式设置是否相对行数,插入模式complete
左右箭头 bp bn

Other settings


sudo apt-get install git

VIM 安装相关软件包

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev
sudo apt-get install xorg-dev
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev


sudo apt-get install vim vim-scripts vim-gnome vim-gtk
sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags cscope

Colore Setting

Colore setting
In ubuntu
OS X terminal [Oh my zsh] (https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh) git clone https://github.com/coolwanglu/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized.git cd gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/ ./set_dark.sh ./set_light.sh ./install.sh

Putty setting:

Terminal->Features里,找到Disable application keypad mode
Solarized color setting for putty