
Comic Downloader Package

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


此项目计划于 2021.11.28 起停止维护!

ccdl 使用 Unlicense License 进行许可。


This is a package for downloading online comics.

Supported sites:

  • binb * :

    • r.binb.jp
    • www.cmoa.jp
    • booklive.jp
    • takeshobo.co.jp
    • www.comic-valkyrie.com
    • futabanet.jp
    • comic-polaris.jp
    • www.shonengahosha.co.jp
    • r-cbs.mangafactory.jp
    • comic-meteor.jp
  • comic_action:

    • comic-action.com
    • comic-days.com *
    • comic-gardo.com *
    • comic-zenon.com
    • comicborder.com
    • comicbushi-web.com
    • kuragebunch.com
    • magcomi.com
    • pocket.shonenmagazine.com *
    • shonenjumpplus.com *
    • tonarinoyj.jp
    • viewer.heros-web.com
  • comic_earthstar:

    • viewer.comic-earthstar.jp
  • comic_walker:

    • comic-walker.com
  • ganganonline:

    • www.ganganonline.com
  • ganma:

    • ganma.jp
  • sunday-webry *:

    • sunday-webry.com
  • urasunday:

    • urasunday.com
  • yanmaga *:

    • yanmaga.jp


For some sites, you'll need a version of chromedriver that matches the version of Chrome you've installed.

  $ git clone git@github.com:oxdz/ccdl.git

  $ cd ./ccdl
  # install dependencies
  $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  # install ccdl
  $ python ./setup.py install --user
  # Download the chromedriver
  $ wget https://cdn.npm.taobao.org/dist/chromedriver/86.0.4240.22/chromedriver_linux64.zip
  $ unzip chromedriver_linux64.zip
  $ rm chromedriver_linux64.zip


Strat with the code, for example

from selenium import webdriver

from ccdl import ComicLinkInfo
from ccdl import Binb2, ComicAction, Ganma

url = "https://comic-action.com/episode/13933686331709379523"

driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='./chromedriver')

link_info = ComicLinkInfo(url)

reader = ComicAction(link_info, driver)
# or
reader = SiteReaderLoader(link_info, driver)
reader.downloader() if reader else print("不支持的網站")


Use CcdlSimpleStarter to download comics

Windows users can download the executable and double-click to run it.
The search path for chromedriver is the directory where the application resides.

If chromedriver exists: For sites with *, if necessary, login in the browser that opens automatically before you enter the URL.You also need to load (you can do this in any TAB) the URL in this browser.

$ python CcdlSimpleStarter.py

源碼: https://github.com/oxdz/ccdl



url: https://comic-action.com/episode/13933686331709379523
創建文件夾: ./漫畫/ネコ先輩さすがです!/第7話 寝方
|##################################################| 100% (4 of 4)

Build executable

If you want to build the smallest executable file, please use the virtual environment to build

# create venv
$ python -m venv ./venv

# active venv
$ ./venv/Scripts/activate 

# upgrade wheel, setuptools
$ ./venv/Scripts/pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel

# install ccdl 
$ ./venv/Scripts/python ./setup.py install

# install  pyinstaller
$ ./venv/Scripts/pip install pyinstaller

# build executable
# If there is an error that the file top_level.txt does not exist, create a new one
$ ./venv/Scripts/pyinstaller -F ./CcdlSimpleStarter.py 


Unlicense License