Welcome to the Cricket Manager repo! The aim of this project is to develop an open-source cricket management game.
Whilst there are similar games out there our aim is to improve them:
Include women’s competitions
Allow detailed bowling plans
Detailed player attributes
A detailed training program for players
A draft simulator for franchises
Include The Hundred
Improved visual experience
A thriving multiplayer community
We are currently in the very early stages of this project and are currently working on a prototype for the game.
Currently the repo is split into three distinct aspects: frontend, match engine and data model. In this early stage of development each of these aspects are being treated as independent entities. As the project gathers more momentum these will start to tie together, but for now they are fairly separate whilst ideas are being put together.
One very important architectural constraint is the the match engine should be independent of the frontend and data model. This is to ensure that the algorithms and core logic in the match engine are always free to be deployed to any frontend or data model.
Anyone is welcome to contribute to this project in any capacity. Please get in contact if you are interested in any aspect of this project. If you are looking to contribute code we ask that any production is accompanied by appropriate documentation and unit tests.
Feel free to join us on Discord : https://discord.gg/DHX8eS7g