
Business Process Technology Coin (BPTC) Wallet

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

BPT Coin Wallet

A crypto currency based on Swirlds Hashgraph Consensus Algorithm. The code is inspired by https://github.com/Lapin0t/py-swirld.


Setup Linux

  sudo apt install cython python3-dev libffi-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
  pip install -r requirements.txt

You also need the libsodium.so for libnacl - Therefore download it from here. If you only want to run the application via the CLI you don't have to install all modules named in requirements.txt. Instead you can use requirements_cli.txt.

Run Kivy App (GUI)

You can download the android app here.

  python main.py

If you get an error on startup, the python binary on your system might be Python 2. In this case, try running

  python3 main.py

Run Console App (CLI)

  python main.py -cli

If you get an error on startup, the python binary on your system might be Python 2. In this case, try running

  python3 main.py -cli

Run Headless App

  python main.py --headless


Starting bokeh



There is a dockerfile which sets up all command line dependencies (e.g. not kivy) and a docker-compose file defining a network of 3 clients interacting with each other. You can find detailed descriptions on how to use docker in our repository in the wiki.

Build docker image
  docker build . -t chaoste/bptc

For more information look in the Wiki!