Python 3.x PyYAML (taken care of by bootstrap file)
Modify the requirements.yml
activate or deactivate the package managers you want to use
list the required packages and optionally their version
Then run the
file with any combination of the following commands:
verify all requirements and install missing required packages:
, --vr
, --vap
, -verify_requirements
, -verify_all_packages | [repo name]
verifies one package:
, --vp
, -verify_package | package name
changes working directory to include folder (for git):
, --cd
, -change_directory
install yaml manually before we use yaml to read what packages are required:
, --y
, --by
, -bootstrap_yaml
attempt to install all required packages without checking if they exist first:
, -install
display help:
, -help
, help
, commands
If no commands are specified these will run as default:
-change_directory -bootstrap_yaml -verify_requirements
First it will change directory to the one above this folder in case your requirements folder specifies downloading repositories.
Then it will attempt to install a yml package from
Then it will use that yml package to install all the other active packages in
the requirements.yml
file if they're seen to be missing.
Typically a Dockerfile...
RUN python /app/prod/app/lib/include/ --b --i
in order to set up the files upon creation, and
ENTRYPOINT ["python","/app/prod/app/lib/include/","--v"]
or run it some other way upon start up in order to continually stay up dated.
The requirements file contains lines for verifying if packages are installed
active: True
command: 'apt show'
missing: 'No packages found'
command: 'apt list --installed'
headers: 1
extract name: [0, '/']
extract version: [1, '']
These two lines describe how to parse the line containing the package name and
version number. The first element of the list is a number indicating the
index position of name, while the second indicates how the line should be split.
extract name: [0, '/']
extract version: [1, '']
To extract a name from this line 'yaml/ 1.6.0 [master]'
file indicates we should name = split('/')[0]
. If more steps
required simply add them onto the extract process following the existing
[ index to extract , string to split on , 2nd extract index, 2nd string , ]