
InstaChat is a WhatsApp like chat application built with React Native and its latest and hottest ecosystem (TypeScript, GraphQL, Prisma and PostgreSQL)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

💬 InstaChat

InstaChat is WhatsApp like chat application built with React Native, TypeScript, GraphQL, Prisma and PostgreSQL.

Below is the list of features completed and ToDos, please stay tuned for more updates. Also, see the demo pictures to get an idea.

👉 Features Completed:

✅ Login

✅ SignUp

✅ Register a New User

✅ Chat Group List with member count

✅ Create a new Chat Group

✅ Instant Chat with Group Members (Optimized with GraphQL Apollo InMemoryCache)

✅ Display text message time in Chat Room

👉 Features in Development (Coming soon...)

🔲 Forgot Password

🔲 Display Last Message and user profile in the chat list page (Just like Whatsapp)

🔲 Add a group profile picture

🔲 Search chat group and user

🔲 Delete a message in chat room

👉 To Run

1) Change the end point in prisma.yml and deploy "InstaChat-Prisma" to Docker.
  • docker-compose up -d

  • prisma deploy

2) In "InstaChat-GraphQL-server"
  • Get the prisma type defs using command "graphql get-schema -p prisma"

  • Update endpoit in prisma.js (Point to prisma server)

  • Run Node server using "node start.js"

3) Open "InstaChat-ReactNative-client"
  • Change httpUri in httpUri.ts (It should point to your node server, if localhost the your computer's IP address)

  • expo start

👉 Demo