
Primary LanguagePython


Visit the site here: Bloppers

Bloppers is a site where users can post funny videos, images, and articles. Users can also comment on other peoples post. On this site, all users are called 'Bloppers' and all uploaded content are called 'Blops'. This site was made with a primarily responsive design.

For those that are down with hip hop, flip-flops, bi-ops about tha b-i-z-tha-em-aza-em-aza-a-r-k-i-e, who are ready to go steady with the heady bud doing CRUDy stuff in tha buff: hit that button to the tite site that treats you right on Tuesday or Wednesday night in the middle of the winter or summer when you don't want no bummer. Bloppers is the spot to drop that hot hip shot from the bar, from your car, from that day at el mar -or the vid of a kid getting rid of the stash; there's always cash in the BANANA STAND....

BLOPPERS, baby!!

Technology Used

  • Django
  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Django-embeded-video
  • Heroku


Home Page

The home page will show 5 of each content type (video, image, and article). A user may select click on one of these content items to be redirect to it's respective detail page. ##### Image Page

The video and image page have the same format. Here users can view all uploaded content of it's kind (videos or images). Selecting on the content will take the user to the detail page. ##### Article Page

This page lists all uploaded articles. Selecting on the content will take the user to the detail page. ##### Detail Page

All detail pages for videos, images, and articles have this format for users to view and comment on the content. ##### User Page

This page displays all videos, images, and articles that a user has uploaded. ##### Upload Page

Here a user can select which type of content they would like to upload.

Getting Started

All content may be viewed without logging in. A user must sign-up or log-in to make comments or upload content.

Next Steps

  • Dislay user names next to comments
  • Continue styling and formatting web-page design
  • Implement a search feature
  • Add a 'like' button to content items
  • Display top 5 of most liked items on home page