SQL Toolkit

The aim of this project is to provide a user friendly (non-dev users) GUI for editing records in an sql database without configuration requried - kind of like PhpMyAdmin but without exposing all the technical details like foreign keys, indices etc. to the user.

The user interface is auto generated by inspecting the database schema (tables, columns, indices, foreign keys) and generating appropriate forms and tables. So execept for DB credentials no configuration is required.

Many-to-One and One-To-Many associations between tables are discovered by inspecting the foreign keys (InnoDB in MySQL required). Correspoding select boxes and checkboxes are generated for the forms.

If the GUI for some table or column need to be customized the table can be annotated through it's comment text in the database.

The goal is a user friendly zero-configuration headless CMS that can be applied to any SQL-Database.

Currently this is only a prototype and not ready for production yet. Especially the the index.php contains a lot of XSS vulnerabilities.

Another part of this project is the object relational mapper which is meant to be the successor of Dataphant.