
Repo to describe work done for deliverable2 project

Primary LanguageHCL


The purpose of this repo is to describe the work done for the SRE-BOOTCAMP - deliverable2

Evaluation aspects

  • The initial infrastructure diagram.
  • The diagram of the infrastructure that you developed.
  • The improvements that you implemented, as well as a logical and reasonable justification for your improvements.
  • The ownership of creating the infrastructure.
  • The functionality of the application.
  • The correct functioning of the application.

Initial Infrastructure

The initial application is a web application which returns the following message when the port 80 is reached

Welcome to the 2nd part of your Capstone Project!

To serve the application there is a load balancer in front of two static instances of EC2 with the application.

The user can reach directly both instances which have public access to the following ports:

  • 80 -- for web application
  • 22 -- for ssh

Initial infrastructure diagram

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Proposed infrastructure

Possible improvements to the initial infrastructure:

  • Improve scalability of the web application
  • Reduce/remove the public facing traffic to the applications that is not needed
  • Implementation of security best practices to access cloud services

For my implementation I have prefered the use of serverless [1] resources because of the following reasons:

  • Easier scalability capabilities
  • The actual cost depends on the demand of the application
  • The underlaying infrastructure and configuration is administered by AWS
  • The access to different resorces can be managed only using IAM roles [2]

List of resources used

  • S3 bucket
  • Lambda
  • Secret manager
  • Elastic Container Registry
  • App Runner
  • DynamoDB
  • cloudcraft (for diagrams)

What is App Runner and why I am using it?

App Runner[3] is a rather new service from AWS, it enables the deployment of source code from github or docker images from ECR to a self managed ECS cluster. It is actually using Fargate in the background. Main advantages:

  • Easier to configure/use in comparison to fargate or ECS.
  • TLS connection by default for the deployed application.
  • Reduced vendor locking if you are using docker containers.
  • Automatic autoscale from the app runner service configuration.
  • Automaticly load balanced.
  • The only way to provide access to aws service is using IAM roles.


  • A bit more expensive in comparison to ECS.
  • It can't be scaled to a 0 instance like Google Cloud Run. [4]
  • It can't access all the AWS services as off now.
  • Can't be configured using VPC.

For me the main advantage is the default TLS connection to ensure security by default, the same applies to the use of the IAM roles.

How did I implement it?

I am using the application from the deliverable 1, the difference is that I have created a branch to consume DynamoDB, and retrieve the JWT encryption key from AWS parameter store.

  • The docker image used for this implementation is - latoz/academy-sre-bootcamp-luis-torres:dynamo.
  • All the infrastructure was described using a terraform template.
  • The application was deployed using app runner, the initial autoscaling configuration only creates 2 instances.
  • Any access to the services is described uing IAM policies and Roles.
  • The S3 bucket is only used to initialize the database:
    • It has a lambda trigger when a new file is uploaded, that file has the data from the wizeline database used by the deliverable 1.
    • When the lambda is triggered it takes the json file from the s3 bucket and then puts the items to dynamodb.

All the created resources have the following tags:

  • project = "deliverable2"
  • mentee = "LuisAngelTorres"


  • After the data is initialized and actually stored in the dynamodb I am not removing the no longer resources

New infrastructure deployment

  • Clone this repository
  • change if needed the terraform aws provider block from main.tf
terraform init
terraform apply 

The entire deployment takes around 5-8 minutes to complete The last output line from terraform is the link to the application

Proposed infrastructure diagram

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[1] https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/serverless/why-use-serverless/


[2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/es_es/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles.html

[3] https://aws.amazon.com/apprunner

[4] https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/about-instance-autoscaling