A library to implement asynchronous language servers in Rust. It features
- Full server and client support of the Language Server Protocol 3.15.
- Independent of the underlying transport layer and the used async executor.
A simple language server using the Tokio runtime:
use async_executors::TokioTp;
use language_server::{async_trait::async_trait, types::*, *};
use std::{convert::TryFrom, sync::Arc};
use tokio_util::compat::*;
struct Server;
impl LanguageServer for Server {
async fn initialize(
_params: InitializeParams,
_client: Arc<dyn LanguageClient>,
) -> Result<InitializeResult> {
async fn initialized(&self, _params: InitializedParams, client: Arc<dyn LanguageClient>) {
let params = ShowMessageParams {
typ: MessageType::Info,
message: "Hello World!".to_owned(),
fn main() {
let executor = TokioTp::try_from(&mut tokio::runtime::Builder::new())
.expect("failed to create thread pool");
More examples can be found here.