- 0
Burh test
#298 opened by Borkflameblade10 - 4
Failed: Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Failed to load 'ng:///DynamicTestModule/module.ngfactory.js'.
#262 opened by AugusDogus - 0
when i compiling the ng serve it was display warning and uncompiling files
#290 opened by muneesh-srg - 4
Support for runnung tests in PhantomJS broken after upgrading to Ionic 2.1.0
#235 opened by vbolshutkin - 0
- 3
Unit testing IonicPageModule & IonicModule
#255 opened by alexmgrant - 1
Question: Translation R to L Support
#288 opened by neilbo - 1
Usage of Greenkeeper
#286 opened by riderx - 3
- 1
Error: Uncaught (in promise): invalid link: rootPage in case of lazy loading unit test cases
#284 opened by oporje - 1
- 1
Undesirable Warning: Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
#282 opened by martialp - 1
Update GIF
#276 opened by lathonez - 1
- 8
- 6
Feature modules
#272 opened by stonelasley - 4
Add support for multiple languages
#268 opened by stonelasley - 8
Deploy live version
#277 opened by lathonez - 1
Update to latest
#275 opened by lathonez - 4
Different tsconfig.json for ionic?
#273 opened by studds - 3
Ionic deeplinks
#269 opened by hfwittmann - 1
Protractor and lazy load tab pages
#266 opened by panakour - 2
Tests not running fully under PhantomJS
#265 opened by ryanki1 - 1
ionic cordova prepare failing
#264 opened by lathonez - 1
Move CI to Circle
#256 opened by lathonez - 1
Unit Testing an Ionic2 project issues
#261 opened by nardebili - 13
Linting issues on ionic-mocks
#257 opened by lathonez - 1
How to test http requests ?
#260 opened by jainAdijain - 2
Is there any possiblity to test the validators and input fields in the form?
#259 opened by jainAdijain - 2
Can we do unit testing of Forms, Navigations using official Ionic-unit-testing example?
#258 opened by jainAdijain - 2
- 9
#251 opened by hfwittmann - 23
- 2
e2e testing: error code 100
#249 opened by charmaine - 15
Problem with ion-slides
#227 opened by rdiegoss - 1
Phantom browser: Can't find variable: Map
#247 opened by ws-hofshteyn - 3
- 2
Question: The purpose of components.module.ts?
#245 opened by CoreyCole - 3
100% coverage
#242 opened by hfwittmann - 3
StorageMock redundant?
#241 opened by hfwittmann - 11
- 3
TypeError: _config.setTransition is not a function
#240 opened by emroussel - 7
upgrade to ionic 2.3.0
#237 opened - 6
@angular/cli 1.0.0-rc.4 breaks tests
#238 opened - 4
No such file or directory error
#232 opened by varunxyz - 5
Transpile failed always
#233 opened by qiluo - 1
Getting errors. fixture undefined
#234 opened by bambam2174 - 1
Styles in Karma Tests
#231 opened by jb-int - 1
- 2
Blog topics links are broken
#228 opened by Ranhiru