Allows a microcontroller, with native USB capabilities, to appear as a MIDI device over USB to a connected computer
- 361artist
- AlpesMachinesAlpes Machines
- ameerraa
- asaaki@markentier
- berendkleinhaneveldRotterdam
- brsma
- dan69p
- danellisuk
- derfaq@Rolling-Shutter-Displays
- designerfuzziBerlin
- ealmloffDioxus Labs
- emartindev
- filefolder@ANU-RSES-Education
- franky47@47ng | @chiffre-io
- grobertsonDropcicle
- hathach@adafruit
- infobeiselHeidelberg Engineering
- ivofrolov
- milkowskiPoland
- nalpno
- oleksandr-kuzmenko@evo-company
- pipehappy1
- raisedbyfinchesWales, UK
- rcholmes0386
- reekystiveByteDance
- rfhassel
- RyoKosaka新工芸舎
- selectedacreUnited States
- shiv213University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- snodecoderNetherlands
- soloistus
- theOtterWizard
- thexadjacentxpossible
- tmpbci
- w00h
- xelarepGermany