Recode of the miythical programmig game Core War in a VM with SDL2 interface:
You will need to have installed sdl2 dependencies as well as sdl2_image and sdl2_ttf.
You can read the subject of the project in: subject.
make && ./asm [-a] [foo.s]
make && ./corewar [-dump N -n N][-i -k -v -f] [foo_1.cor ... foo_n.cor]
Space bar => pause the game.
Right arrow => step by step once the game is paused.
+/- => Increase decrease speed of the game.
sh [-a -r -f -d]
-a => Test assembler.
-r => Test VM with random inputs.
-f => Test especific input of the VM.
-d => Test all combinations of inputs of the VM in a specific directory (a lot of time).