
Get started with Open Source,

Hello FOSS

By the Web & Coding Club IIT Bombay

Hello There!

Hello FOSS is a festival organised by WnCC, IITB to encourage the culture of Open Source in our insti. We promise there's something for everyone. Okay, time for some background before getting started.
There's this initiative called Hacktoberfest by Digital Ocean all over the world to encourage participation in the open source community. There's a challenge, on whose completion they award you with a limited edition tshirt and schwag. We wanted to help y'all get started with Open Source, but given the academic load this semester, thought that now might not be a good time. But, with Hacktoberfest running along side, we hope your enthusiasm to learn Open Source fueled by the motivation to complete this year's challenge, this might turn out to be a successful endeavour afterall.

Open Source can be daunting at first, How would I get started? Will they accept me? Will ..anyone accept me?
Relax! If you're clueless, watch this recent introductory session by us - Panel Discussion with GSoCers

Active Projects

Under this initiative Hello FOSS, we bring to you various projects from diverse fields which you can contribute to and start your open source journey. To begin with, listed below are the projects that are being launched. We will soon be adding more projects to help you get started easily with projects that match your skills. Choose your field of interest and get started!

  • Data Structures and Algorithms : For those interested in algorithms and data structures , head here.

  • Machine Learning : This project is suitable for anyone who would like to contribute to machine learning be it a beginner or an expert. Head here to know more!

  • Chat Application : If you are interested in development, head here to contribute to this chat application. The basic prototype is ready but with your contributions this project can be improved on multiple folds. Check out the issues listed and get started!

  • Scientific Calculator : Contribute to this android application to build a fully functional scientific Calculator! Head here to know more and get started!

Most projects won't have any major prerequisites. For those of you who are new to git and github, you can begin with the following this workshop that we conducted some time back. Also do remember that the best way to learn is by doing. So don't hesitate and just take the first step. Each project has mentors who can help you with all your doubts.


Head to the linked repository of the project and go through it. Every project has detailed description of what is expected from the contributors. The tasks that you can work on are also listed with each project. Other than that you can check the "Issues" tab which lists few tasks that you can work on. You are also free to add your own features or work on tasks not listed in the Issues by creating your own issues.

  • For submitting your changes, follow the Pull Request template as given here
  • After going through the projects you may find some bugs or would have some suggestions for further improvements. You can also contribute to the project by creating "issues" for such requests. For this, you can follow the templates given here

Finally, feel free to discuss your doubts with us. Join our Discord server for all discussions around Hello FOSS.

Looking forward to your contributions and we hope this initiative helps you take your first step towards open source! Cheers!

Created with ❤️ by WnCC