
Tidy differential expression analysis

Primary LanguageR


Perform differential expression analysis in a tidy way. Currently in early development. Only limma is supported.


You can install the required packages for this vignette with the following code:

install.packages(c("devtools", "tidyverse", "rlang"))
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

Tidy Differential Expression analysis

tidyde is a toolkit for working with gene differential expression analysis in R. Currently, it includes a sample count data set, called GSE60450_Lactation-GenewiseCounts, and sample metadata, called SampleInfo_Corrected.

counts <- read_delim("data/GSE60450_Lactation-GenewiseCounts.txt",
                     delim = "\t")
meta <- read_delim("data/SampleInfo_Corrected.txt",
                   delim = "\t") %>%
  mutate(FileName = str_replace(FileName, "\\.", "-"))

tidyde is composed of wrapper functions of the limma package that perform various steps of a standard differential expression analysis in a tidy way.

# Set up objects
meta <- read_delim("data/SampleInfo_Corrected.txt",
                   delim = "\t") %>%
  mutate(FileName = str_replace(FileName, "\\.", "-"))
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> cols(
#>   FileName = col_character(),
#>   SampleName = col_character(),
#>   CellType = col_character(),
#>   Status = col_character()
#> )

my_design <- check_sample_names(counts, c(1,2), meta, FileName) %>%
  purrr::pluck("meta") %>%
  make_design_matrix(., c("Status"))
#> The column names of the count matrix and the unique sample ID values are correctly specified.
#> The order is also correct. You can safely proceed with the remaining analysis steps.
#> The proportion of zeroes in your count data is  0.2936958

id <- as.character(counts$EntrezGeneID)

# Analysis
res <- check_sample_names(counts, c(1,2), meta, FileName) %>%
  purrr::pluck("mod_count") %>%
  filter_genes(., id, "edgeR") %>%
  make_voom(., my_design) %>%
  model_limma() %>%
  make_contrasts(design_matrix = my_design, Statuspregnant, Statusvirgin) %>%
#> The column names of the count matrix and the unique sample ID values are correctly specified.
#> The order is also correct. You can safely proceed with the remaining analysis steps.
#> The proportion of zeroes in your count data is  0.2936958
#> Warning in filterByExpr.DGEList(dge, ...): All samples appear to belong to the
#> same group.

tidyde includes broom-like methods for cleaning differential expression fit results, although it currently is not officially supported by broom. I’m actively working on that.

#> # A tibble: 11,532 x 8
#>    gene    estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
#>    <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 27395   0.173        0.686   0.580    0.574  -0.484       0.829
#>  2 18777   0.404        0.267   2.50     0.0298  0.0479      0.760
#>  3 21399   0.0261       0.442   0.131    0.898  -0.415       0.467
#>  4 108664  0.572        1.33    1.65     0.129  -0.195       1.34 
#>  5 12421  -0.000491     0.455  -0.00242  0.998  -0.448       0.447
#>  6 319263  0.382        0.348   2.15     0.0549 -0.00967     0.773
#>  7 59014   0.201        0.794   0.752    0.468  -0.390       0.793
#>  8 76187   1.42         7.42    1.21     0.253  -1.18        4.03 
#>  9 17864  -0.859        2.31   -1.50     0.163  -2.12        0.406
#> 10 70675  -0.0639       0.415  -0.330    0.748  -0.491       0.364
#> # … with 11,522 more rows, and 1 more variable: stringsAsFactors <lgl>

Visualization for Meta-Analysis

tidyde includes functionality for working with results in ggplot2, including quick plots for common visualizations.

With tidy data, most data visualizations are easy to build from the ground up. Nevertheless, tidyde has several quick plot functions to make the process easier. For example, volcano_plot() takes a tidied DE analysis and plots a volcano plot.

tidy.marray.lm(res) %>%

Because the results are still ggplot2 objects, it’s easy to make changes to the plot.

tidy.marray.lm(res) %>%
  volcano_plot() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#DA70D6", "black", "#00CC00"))

tidyde currently supports boxplots of counts, PCA plots, and volcano plots.