Loon test client

To submit account inquiries jobs, you need an ActionSuite account.

  • Actionsuite API keys ClientKey, PrivateKey
  • Pagos Loon public pgp key (used to encrypt content to Pagos)
  • Your private pgp key (used to decrypt results from Pagos)

This sample client demonstrates how to submit a job using api keys and pgp encryption.


npm install

copy .env.example to .env and populate the keys with your credentials

Submit a job

node job-submit.js test_cards.csv

Encrypts a test card request file and uploads it to Pagos Loon. See test_cards.csv for an example.

A jobId is returned, which can be used for status and download calls.

Sample request file format

The request file should be a csv with the header


and at least one row of data with the following values

field values
network visa,mastercard,discover,american express
account_number 15-16 digits
expiry_year YYYY
expiry_month MM
submerchant_account_id optional value, alphanumeric

Get Job Status

(Use the job-id returned from submit-job)

node job-status.js 42

Get Job Results

When a job is in "processed" state, you can download results as a response file

Use the job-id returned from submit-job

node job-download.js 42

Sample response file format
