

Starting the ELK Stack using the Docker-Compose file

  1. Intall Docker Compose
  2. While in this repository's folder, run docker-compose up
  3. To stop the container while keeping the contents for next time the container runs, run docker-compose stop
    • To wipe the contents of the container and delete it, run docker-compose down

Configuring Logstash in the ELK container

  1. Place algo-logs.conf in the /etc/logstash/conf.d/ directory in the ELK container.
    • To get a bash shell in the ELK container, run docker exec -it <container name> bash
    • Ensure no other configurations in the /etc/logstash/conf.d directory are using the same port as algo-logs.conf.

Configuring Filebeat on the Algorand node server

  1. Install Filebeat on the server running the Algorand node.
  2. Place filebeat.yml in the /etc/filebeat/ directory on the Algorand node.
  3. Create a service for Filebeat to run on boot for the server.

Configuring the Kibana instance

  1. Once the service is created and running, navigate to the URL of Kibana on the ELK Container.
    • If running locally on the Algorand node, it is localhost:5601
  2. Once the Elastic page has loaded, create an index pattern.
    • Search index pattern in the Elastic search bar at the top center of the page.
    • Name the index pattern as algorand*.
    • Use the custom index pattern ID of 23d30fa0-660f-11ec-8f1b-ff4528ad4930 under advanced settings.
    • Index pattern creation
  3. Import the dashboard (dashboard-to-import.ndjson).
    • Use curl to do so via Kibana's API
      • curl -X POST localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/_import -H "kbn-xsrf: true" --form file=@dashboard-to-import.ndjson