Can bus monitoring tool based on arduino and can bus shield. Implements CAN ASCII/SLCAN protocol compatible with Lawicel CAN232/CANUSB. Can be used for monitoring low speed CAN (interior can bus of most cars, less than 500kbps). For higher speeds serial port can become a bottleneck in case data density is high.
- aneox
- cyborg-x1Ulm
- danieltarazonaMedellin, Colombia
- DePierre
- DieselDuz42Michigan
- dkaukovOpenTable
- ErDmKoDortmund
- felixebertIF-Core IT Services GmbH
- fpoussin@Scandit
- HosfordDotMe@seismic
- jeffm852
- josh17m
- joyspringImpactive AI
- kamury
- keenanlawsecuunlock
- knoxcu
- maartentamboer@ProdriveTechnologies
- marcinpohlLaurel, MD
- mattatcha@HubSpot
- mikko80Finland
- nypdmax
- olivluca
- p1ne
- phnahesBrasil
- Pyromane
- ramb0t@DIYElectronicsZA
- riggsbie
- spinoinside
- stackpivot
- stupa55
- tsipizicThessaloniki, Greece
- v12Manchester, UK
- vv222
- wangwalfred
- xslimConsulting
- YonVanom