- ax3lLBNL, previously HZDR
- bjoern-leder
- bjooNVIDIA Corporation
- cceckaNVIDIA Research, Stanford University
- chjostUniversity of Bonn
- chrisschroederLivermore, California USA
- daschaichUniversity of Liverpool
- DeltaPBoulder, CO
- deuzemanShell Global Solutions International
- Drink7
- fire@V-Sekai
- fwinterJefferson Lab
- geordiVŠB - Technical University of Ostrava
- gshiGoogle
- IgosukiDinMo
- jack-pappasPhiladelphia, PA, USA
- jpfoley
- kartshyBristol UK
- kpetrov
- lancealot
- longde123
- maddyscientist
- MasanoriYamadaTokyo, Japan
- mathiaswagner
- mchengcit
- MetroWindMetroWind Dynamics
- photinoHangzhou
- rbabichNVIDIA
- rht◊ Mars
- sdcohenNVIDIA
- spottTruU
- theMarixBlue Yonder GmbH
- windy510
- witzel
- zenozengHangzhou, Zhejiang, China
- ZhanlinWangPeking University