
A ChatGPT chatbot template in spring boot

Primary LanguageJava

ChatGPT Spring

ChatGPT spring boot application

gpt3, gpt4 supported.

Built in Chat API, web socket, context management

How to use

Clone the project to your local machine

git clone project_url

Open application.properties file, set up your own configuration Here is the sample:

# proxy =
open_ai_key = sk-xxx
max_token = 3000
timeout = 10000
open_ai_host = https://api.openai.com/
open_ai_model = gpt-3.5-turbo
redis_host = localhost
redis_port = 6379
#redis_password = 1234

Start your project

mvn spring-boot:run

To call the API

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/app/chat?text=?text=your text&mid=yourmid&cid=yourcid

There are three query parameters you can use.

text (required): Your prompts.

mid: the message id you want to respond to.

cid: conversation id (session id).

Response sample

    "text": "Sure, what do you wonder about? I'm here to help you find answers to your questions or provide assistance in any way I can.",
    "messageId": "b095773b-e207-4cca-a6ee-14cb417c3c02",
    "conversationId": "e0c9fe58-bd2d-4f95-a431-e95955b2661c"

Connect with web socket


To send stream to server, the request data format is in json string

  "text": "hello world",
  "mid": "adoasjdowadasdasdasdas",
  "cid": "sdjaodjoasjokdaskdkaskdasp"

Response format is the same as REST API.