A QPSK modem written in the Verilog hardware description language, that can be implemented on FPGA
- 2155245812
- 52437
- andrew483Southeast University
- AnthonyGuan
- BenjiaHECCE, UoN
- chaojiwudixiaokeai
- china-zhangdjMagicCube Co., Ltd.
- ciewax
- daiguangbao
- devilteard
- djq-2000nanchang
- Hainder
- jack252Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- jiaowenlong
- joson1
- jpz185
- kkcode111
- Linsooon
- liqinlin
- Liuruoyun
- MarcusIce03Nanjing University
- mirror12334
- Mr811324
- nie102
- niuHKY
- Preacure
- SatahrirBeijing Institute of Technology
- seumql
- sora9042
- Starchaser625
- sunjiangbo
- sunmin123456
- TLbaby
- uni-nonoXidian University
- XiaopingDengSDJZU
- zipeilu