
An interface for Timewarrior report data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An interface for Timewarrior report data.


Use pip to install the package:

pip install timew-report


Create an executable python script and place it in your Timewarrior extension folder. Timewarrior will send its data to the script when called with the extension's name:

timew [report] <extension_name>

See Timewarrior documentation for more details about this.


This package consists of three classes which aid processing the Timewarrior data:

  • TimeWarriorParser
  • TimeWarriorConfig
  • TimeWarriorInterval

The classes are explained in detail below. You find some usage examples at the bottom of this README.

Class TimeWarriorParser

You can pass an input stream with Timewarrior data to constructor of TimeWarriorParser:

parser = TimeWarriorParser(sys.stdin)

Retrieve configuration (as TimeWarriorConfig object) and intervals (array of TimeWarriorInterval objects):

tw_config = parser.get_config()
tw_intervals = parser.get_intervals()

Class TimeWarriorConfig

The object TimeWarriorConfig encapsulates the configuration dictionary and provides an interface to retrieve values:

value = tw_config.get_value(key, default)

There is a specialized getter for boolean values which returns True for the given key if the respective value is on, 1, yes, y, or true:

bool = tw_config.get_boolean(key, default)

There is a specialized getter for integer values:

int_val = tw_config.get_int(key, default)

In case of a non-parsable string, this function raises a ValueError exception.

There are specialized getters for the debug, verbose, and confirmation flag:

debug = tw_config.get_debug()
verbose = tw_config.get_verbose()
confirmation = tw_config.get_confirmation()

Class TimeWarriorInterval

The TimeWarriorInterval encapsulates the time interval data and provides an interface to retrieve values:

start = tw_interval.get_start()
end = tw_interval.get_end()
tags = tw_interval.get_tags()
annotation = tw_interval.get_annotation()

start and end are datetime objects and given in local time (end is equal to None if the interval is open). tags is a list of zero or more strings, annotation is a single string or None.

An interval can be queried whether it is open:

is_open = tw_interval.is_open()

There are methods which return the interval's start or end date (day, month, year) respectively.

start_date = tw_interval.get_start_date()
end_date = tw_interval.get_end_date()

Note: The function TimeWarriorInterval.get_date() has been deprecated in favour of TimeWarriorInterval.get_start_date().


A simple CSV report:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from timewreport.parser import TimeWarriorParser

parser = TimeWarriorParser(sys.stdin)

for interval in parser.get_intervals():
    line = '"{}"'.format(interval.get_start())
    line += ',"{}"'.format(interval.get_end()) if not interval.is_open() else ''

    for tag in interval.get_tags():
        line += ',"{}"'.format(tag)


Summing up totals by tag:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from timewreport.parser import TimeWarriorParser

parser = TimeWarriorParser(sys.stdin)

totals = dict()

for interval in parser.get_intervals():
    tracked = interval.get_duration()
    for tag in interval.get_tags():
        if tag in totals:
            totals[tag] += tracked
            totals[tag] = tracked

# Determine largest tag width.
max_width = len('Total')

for tag in totals:
    if len(tag) > max_width:
        max_width = len(tag)

# Compose report header.
print('Total by Tag')

# Compose table header.
print('{:{width}} {:>10}'.format('Tag', 'Total', width=max_width))
print('{} {}'.format('-' * max_width, '----------'))

# Compose table rows.
grand_total = 0
for tag in sorted(totals):
    formatted = totals[tag].seconds
    grand_total += totals[tag].seconds
    print('{:{width}} {:10}'.format(tag, formatted, width=max_width))

# Compose total.
print('{} {}'.format(' ' * max_width, '----------'))
print('{:{width}} {:10}'.format('Total', grand_total, width=max_width))