
Tiny Deno library and CLI to authenticate as a GitHub App and generate installation tokens

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GitHub App auth for Deno

A minimal Deno library and a CLI app to authenticate as a GitHub App installation.




deno install --allow-net=api.github.com https://deno.land/x/github_app_auth/cli.ts

Then you can use it as github_app_auth ....

Expected inputs

  • app-id: you can find it in the application settings
  • private-key: Base64-encoded content of the private key .pem file you got when you created the app
  • installation-id: organization or user installation ID you want to get access to
  • repositories (optional, trail-arg): list of repositories to give access to; if not provided, it will be all repositories that the installation can access

See the API endpoint documentation for more info.


If you need to change the default GitHub API URL, you can do it by setting the GITHUB_API_URL env var and adding --allow-env=GITHUB_API_URL when you install the script:

export GITHUB_API_URL='...'
deno install --allow-net="$GITHUB_API_URL" --allow-env='GITHUB_API_URL' https://deno.land/x/github_app_auth/cli.ts

Or use --allow-net --allow-env for simplicity.


Given app ID, private key and then installation ID it will create a new installation access token and print it to the standard output:

$ github_app_auth 123456 $(base64 < private-key.pem) 12345678

If you don't know the installation ID, you can run it with only the first two arguments and get a list of the app installations:

$ github_app_auth 123456 $(base64 < private-key.pem)
    "id": 12345678,

You can use generated tokens to make requests on behalf on the app. Here are some examples using GitHub's official CLI gh, but you can also do it with curl or any other tool by adding the Authorization: token ... header.

$ GITHUB_TOKEN=$(github_app_auth 123456 $(base64 < private-key.pem) 12345678)

$ gh auth status
  ✓ Logged in to github.com as your-app-name[bot] (GITHUB_TOKEN)
  ✓ Git operations for github.com configured to use https protocol.
  ✓ Token: *******************

$ gh api installation/repositories --jq '.repositories[].name'

$ gh api repos/:owner/repo1/releases

Check out gh api docs for more examples and full feature list.