
footpritnt(足跡) is summary generator for Github/Gitlab.com activity.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


footpritnt(足跡) is summary generator for Github/Gitlab.com activity.

inspire of furik .


from PyPI.

$ pip install footprint

from github repository.

$ pip install git+https://github.com/laughk/footprint.git


  1. make ~/.footprint.ini , ex,

    token = 'Your Github Personal access Token from https://github.com/settings/tokens'
    token = 'Your Gitlab.com Private token from https://gitlab.com/profile/account'
  2. execute footprint command.

    $ foot --help
    usage: footprint [-h] [-f FROM_STR] [-t TO_STR] [-P] [--gl]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -f FROM_STR, --from FROM_STR
                            set start of date formated "YYYY-MM-DD". (default:
                            current day)
      -t TO_STR, --to TO_STR
                            set end of start date formated "YYYY-MM-DD".
                            (default: current day)
      -P, --private         enable get data from private repository. (default:
      --gl                  [Experimental] enable getting status from gitlab.com.