Currency conversion web application built with ReactJS, powered by GatsbyJS.
Click here to launch MasterCurrency
- Install NodeJS
- Install GatsbyJS
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Locate the repository in bash
- Run
npm install
in the repo folder - Run
npm run develop
in the repo folder - Open browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000/
- Locate the repository in bash
- Run
npm install
in the repo folder - Run
npm run build
in the repo folder
- ReactJS - Frontend web framework used
- GatsbyJS - Run-time environment used
- React-Beautiful-DnD - Drag and drop library used
- Highcharts - Interactive chart library used
- Axios - HTTP client used
- Exchange rate - API used
- Adobe XD - Vector-based user experience design tool
- Adobe Photoshop - Raster graphics editing tool
- Irvin Ives Lau - lauirvin