

Primary LanguageTypeScript


ReactJS TypeScript Boilerplate

📚 Introduction

This is a ReactJS boilerplate project bootstrapped with Create React App.

The intention of this boilerplate is for creating a template with the essential libraries such as Typescript, React Query, Redux Thunk setup and ready to use right off the bat.

🧰 Prerequisites

Project Dependencies

  1. Install NodeJS
  2. Install nvm
  3. Install and use NodeJS v16.9.0 with nvm
nvm install 16.9.0 && nvm use 16.9.0
  1. Install yarn
  2. Install Prettier ESLint VSCode Extension:

🚀 Development

Getting started

  1. Locate the repository root directory in terminal/bash
  2. Install dependencies
yarn install
  1. Run yarn dev in the repository root directory

Prettier & ESLint

ESLint Lint Check

yarn lint

Prettier Lint Check

yarn format

Fix both Prettier and ESLint errors

yarn lint:fix

👷🏻‍♂️ Built With

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