Base experiment code for web experiments hosted on Google App Engine For Python (2.7)
- Python 2.7
- Google AppEngineLauncher for Python: here
- Google App command line tools (for downloading data from server). This must be done when starting Google AppEngineLauncher
- In exp folder:
app.yaml: (often needs to be changed - app name and version number)
- defines app name and version number (along with what version of python to use)
- Handlers section - specify how URLs should be routed to the files in your folder (can be left alone)
- Libraries section - which libraries are used (can be left alone)
- Builtins - turns remote_api on (necessary for data download)
- (can be left alone in most cases)
- loads index.html (via JINJA) and displays it
- defines the structure of the data to save (DataObject section)
- is the code that first gets called when people go to the experiment page
backend.pyc: is automatically generated by python based on
bulkloader.yaml: (can be left alone)
- tells the data downloader how the data from Google will be formatted
- must match
index.html: actual html of the experiment that is loaded by (often will be changed to add new buttons/sliders/etc)
In css folder:
- style.css: specifies css for index.html and experiment.s (usually can be left alone)
In html folder:
- many files that are loaded by experiment.js during the experiment
In js folder:
- experiment.js: guts of the experiment. Loaded by index.html, loads content from html files in html folder. Will need to be changed for your experiment.
- In analysis folder:
- read.R: read in a file named raw_data.csv (presumeably downloaded from App Engine) and parse the JSON to create (and save) an RData object
- JSON_parser_function.R: helper function for read.R that takes a vector or list of JSON encoded experimental variables and returns a data frame. One row for each entry in the original vector (or list) and a column for each experimental variable that existed.
- Open Google AppEngineLauncher
- File -> Add Existing Application
- Navigate to this folder
- Click Add
- Click Run in AppEngineLauncher
- Navigate in browser to localhost:8080
- Generate some data
- To inspect the data you created, in the App Engine Launcher click on SDK Console and then on Datastore Viewer
- Go to and click Create Application
- Application Identifier - only you use it but you need to know it for later
- Application Title - this will appear as the label on the tab in the web browser of your experiment
- Edit the first line of app.yaml to match your Application Identifier
- In Google App Engine, click on Deploy and then enter the necessary credentials
- change whatever you needed to change in the experiment
- Edit app.yaml to have a new version number (usually by adding one)
- In Google App Engine, click Deploy
- click Dashboard
- On the dashboard, click Versions (under Main in the left bar)
- Set your new version as Default
- Open the dashboard for your experiment (via Google App Engine)
- Click Datastore Viewer (under Data in the left bar)
- Enjoy
enter this at the command line: download_data --config_file=bulkloader.yaml --filename=<app_name>.csv --kind=DataObject --url=http://<app_name>
Note: The local testing in Google App Engine currently doesn't support batch download
- you'll have to re-create the download data file (bulkloader.yaml) create_bulkloader_config --filename=bulkloader.yaml --url=http://<app_name>
Then set the line in the new bulkloader.yaml connector:
to connector: csv
Different sections of the experiment call each other in sequence. Currently the order is:
- collect demographics information
- provide instructions
- test instruction comprehension
- for each block within the experiment:
- display training trials
- display test trials - display thank you message and feedback for MTurk users
- all locations in experiment.js where the slider is referenced are marked with a comment SLIDER comment.
- all locations in experiment.js where between-subject conditions are referenced are marked with CONDITION comment.