- 9
Problems with binomial models
#156 opened by jgabry - 0
add data to package
#161 opened by lauken13 - 4
Check resilience to multiple lhs vars
#155 opened by lauken13 - 0
don't allow weights passed to model fitting functions
#160 opened by jgabry - 0
Rename y-axis in plot?
#152 opened by jgabry - 4
Bug in mapping
#153 opened by kinto-b - 0
Shortcut to put in variables with same names
#158 opened by lauken13 - 4
Fit method may be too strict for some custom models
#105 opened by jgabry - 0
Investigate GHA failures
#154 opened by jgabry - 0
- 1
Delete "sandbox" and "paper" folders?
#151 opened by jgabry - 5
Need to test custom modeling functions
#144 opened by lauken13 - 0
brms tests excluded on Windows OS?
#143 opened by lauken13 - 3
Helper function to extract munged data
#119 opened by lauken13 - 3
- 5
Use GitHub Actions for CI
#76 opened by jgabry - 2
Bug in plot method?
#149 opened by jgabry - 0
Add data to package
#147 opened by lauken13 - 3
Refactor to rely on dplyr
#134 opened by lauken13 - 2
Bug when prediction done in a saved fit object with data with unordered levels
#138 opened by Dewi-Amaliah - 0
Check efficiency on problems with large data
#78 opened by jgabry - 6
Weights in aggregate or plot
#121 opened by lauken13 - 6
Failed to plot the estimation with CCES/ACS data
#124 opened by Dewi-Amaliah - 17
can MRP-KIT deal with haven-labelled data?
#108 opened by mitzimorris - 0
Specify order of factors
#135 opened by lauken13 - 1
Things we want feedback on for alpha/beta release
#77 opened by jgabry - 4
Violin plots no longer displaying
#120 opened by lauken13 - 0
Multiple responses
#117 opened by lauken13 - 0
Dealing with cluster sampling
#106 opened by lauken13 - 3
Clean run without weights
#114 opened by lauken13 - 3
- 2
SurveyQuestion should report the total number of categories used for poststratification
#110 opened by mitzimorris - 1
Case Study in website
#113 opened by Dewi-Amaliah - 5
vignette edits
#80 opened by jgabry - 7
- 0
use case: pipeline for multi-question surveys
#82 opened by mitzimorris - 2
documentation: glossary of terms
#83 opened by mitzimorris - 1
- 0
test failing that shouldn't be
#92 opened by jgabry - 0
Some of the recent SurveyData examples don't work
#100 opened by jgabry - 2
- 6
rename SurveyQuestion?
#84 opened by jgabry - 2
Use consistent coding style
#81 opened by jgabry - 3
Errors and warnings for missing data
#86 opened by jgabry - 1
Tabulate errors if weights not specified
#89 opened by jgabry - 0
- 0
- 0
Rename SurveyMap$new() arguments
#73 opened by jgabry - 1
pkgdown website
#85 opened by jgabry - 0
Use labels for issues
#79 opened by jgabry