You need to install flask and mongodb, pymongo for this application Mongo should be configured to the default settings TO RUN: start mongod in the background python the sample game_id to use is "random" endpoints(kind of explanatory in things to note. The arguments to most of the endpoints are token and game_id. /create/<username> - a post endpoint that needs a username, returns a token /start - a post endpoint that needs user_token (token from start), game_id /move - a post endpoint that needs user_token, game_id, move (a number for the sample game). Returns the state of the game after that move. If the game is won or lost, it restarts the game. /status - a get endpoint that needs user_token, game_id /metrics - get endpoint that needs user_token /allmetrics - get endpoint Architechture The game maintains state by passing the game state, wins and losses into a mongo database The documents in mongo are formatted like so: {_id: token, timestamp: *some number*, *game name*: {state: *current game state*, *win*: win, *lose*: lose, *total*: total}} We can have multiple games running at once, so a document in mongo can have multiple *game names*, each with the state and stats of that user playing that game. The user has to pass in the token into pretty much all the API's so the server knows what to pull out of mongodb Pluggability: A game only needs to implement 3 methods, as noted in We can have any game, and write a wrapper around the game to have those 3 methods. All the states returned from move and start are saved to the DB, and then when a new move is made, we grab those states and perform computation on them. Expiring tokens: We add the timestamp for when the user is created, and then any calls to move or status check if the user is still valid to work with. Metrics aren't protected because we may still want to see what an expired user did. There are basically 3 files - simple wrapper to perform all the web functions, as well as validation - performs all the server logic, such as saving, and extracting metrics. - database primitive functions