
Dashamail SDK for JavaScript developers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

version npm Donate npm Snyk Vulnerabilities for npm package Donate Donate


Software Development Kit for DashaMail



npm i --save dashamail


yarn add dashamail


DashaMail Transactional Send

const {transactional: Transactional} = require('dashamail');

new Transactional()
    .setTo('USER_EMAIl', 'USER_NAME')
    .setFrom('FROM_EMAIL', 'FROM_NAME')
    .setSubject('Test') // subject (title) of the letter
    .setMessage(0) // messageId from dashamail (can get it while edit template from url)
    .setReplaces({'KEY': 'VALUE', 'KEY2': 1}) // substitutions in the letter template
    //.setDomain('somedomain.zone') // the sending domain to be used for DKIM/SPF signatures. Default, first in list "Account -> My Domains"
    //.setCampaignId(0) // campaignId used for filter sended emails by some id 
    //.setDeliveryTime(+new Date() + (1000 * 60 * 5)) // send email after 5 min 
    //.setNoTrackClicks(true) // do not track email links clicks, default false
    //.setNoTrackOpens(true) // do not track email opens, default false
    .send() // sending request to dashamail api
        transactionId => {/* Do something with transaction id */},
        errorString => {/* Do something with errorString */}

DashaMail Transactional Check

const {transactional: Transactional} = require('dashamail');

new Transactional().setApiKey('API_KEY').check('TransactionalID') // put here correct id
        response => {/* Do something with response */},
        errorString => {/* Do something with errorString */}

DashaMail Transactional Events List

const {transactional: Transactional} = require('dashamail');
const EventType = require('dashamail/classes/eventType');
const Sort = require('dashamail/classes/sort');
const from = new Date(); from.setUTCHours(0,0,0,0);
const fromMonth = from.getMonth()+1 < 10 ? '0' + from.getMonth()+1 : from.getMonth()+1;
const to = new Date(); to.setUTCHours(23,59,59,999);
const toMonth = to.getMonth()+1 < 10 ? '0' + to.getMonth()+1 : to.getMonth()+1;

new Transactional()
    .setLogEventType(EventType.ALL) // filter events by type. Default EventType.ALL
    .setLogSort(Sort.asc) // filter event time. Default Sort.desc
    // get event after date yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
    .setLogFrom(`${from.getFullYear()}-${fromMonth}-${from.getDate()} ${from.getHours()}:${from.getMinutes()}:${from.getSeconds()}`)
    // get event before date yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
    .setLogTo(`${to.getFullYear()}-${toMonth}-${to.getDate()} ${to.getHours()}:${to.getMinutes()}:${to.getSeconds()}`)
    .get_log() // sending request or row below (with params)
    //.get_log(0, 25) // with start from (default 0) & count items for response (by default 500)  
        items => {/* Do something with items: object[] */},
        errorString => {/* Do something with errorString */}


Nikita Sereda


VK | Telegram