- Alice-Cold
- allenzhaoGrand Valley State University
- AnantJoshiCZSan Jose State University
- ardofski
- BianchiGiuliaAIT - Austrian Institute of Technology
- BrownFortress
- BunsenFengSeattle, US
- DanieleOG
- dawidmPoland
- DeAngelisAUniversity of Milan
- EvanDufraisseCEA
- gulkurtoglu
- jacobthebananaMila- Quebec AI Institute
- Jean-Baptiste-B
- juman98Budapest
- kbwzy
- keyeunSeoul, Korea
- lmmx@beatchain
- mohammadaminabbasi
- MunjungKimIndiana university
- ptear
- RoninIchi
- saroyehun
- shakedlokitsGraphiti
- Stromlight
- xiongot
- YashNagda17Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
- yujiponzu
- zxuuUESTC