
Generate beautiful documentantion for your/any GraphQL API in an instant ✨

Instant, beautiful docs for your GraphQL API

Providing a custom configuration

GraphDoc will check for a the existence of .well-known/graphql.json file on the same domain as your GraphQL API. So if your API runs on https://api.example.com/graphql the config will be expected at https://api.example.com/.well-known/graphql.json.

Example configuration

  "title": "My GraphQL API",
  "description": "Awesome API that provides a ton of value.",
  "favicon_url": "http://static.example.com/favicon.ico",
  "logo_light_url": "http://static.example.com/logo-light.svg",
  "logo_dark_url": "http://static.example.com/logo-dark.svg",
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer MyPublicSecret"


If you have any issues regarding rendering your GraphQL API, don't hesitate to report it here.