
PHP library to communicate with FinTS/HBCI servers

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP FinTS/HBCI library

Build Status

Note: The current developer version contains a new API in the FinTsNew class. If you are just starting to use this library, consider using that already and ignore the FinTs class. If you want to (continue) using the old class, note that its constructor has changed, whereas the Release 1.6 still has the old constructor. ❗

A PHP library implementing the following functions of the FinTS/HBCI protocol:

  • Get accounts
  • Get bank parameters
  • Get balance
  • Get transactions
  • Get standing orders
  • Delete standing order
  • Execute direct debit
  • Execute transfer

Forked from mschindler83/fints-hbci-php

Getting Started

Install via composer:

composer require nemiah/php-fints


Before using this library, you have to register your software with Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft in order to get your registration number. See the examples in the "Samples" folder (or "SamplesNew" for the new API). Fill out the required configuration and execute the file.

Server details can be obtained at www.hbci-zka.de after registration.

Special usage

My goal for this library was to be able to execute automatic direct debits with m(obile)TAN.


Contributions are welcome!

We are using a slightly modified version of the Symfony Coding-Style. Please run

composer cs-fix

before sending a PR.

Bank compatibility

Please update the COMPATIBILITY.md file and send a pull request if you successfully tested this library with your bank.