
GinettePT is a React front-end project that provides a visually appealing interface for interacting with the ChatGPT API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GinettePT - A simple ChatGPT API Front-end

GinettePT is a React front-end project that provides a visually appealing interface for interacting with the ChatGPT API. It allows users to chat with the AI model and see the responses in real-time. The messages can be persisted in JSON format, and the application also features typing indicators to enhance the user experience.


  • Visually appealing chat interface ;-)
  • Real-time conversation with ChatGPT
  • Message persistence in JSON format NOTE: currently broken in deployed flask server as next API endpoints are not exported in build. will be fixed by instead using sql queries to persist.
  • Typing indicators

Note: repo structure

Source code

The github repo's "main" page (aka, the one where you can see the readme) is the source code. in the source code, the python script is made to be run alongside the node server (npm run dev & python3 app.py from the root folder, after running a npm install to install the dependencies, of course)

Downloadable (and easy to run) server

This is available in the github's releases, and the instructions below for the rest of the readme concern the release unless specified otherwise.

Requirements (again, for the release)

  • Python 3
  • 1.8gb space in your disk, sorry hehe
  • A GPT API key. if you don't know how to obtain one, see this tutorial

Installation (release)

(this is done from a command line)

  1. Download and unzip the .zip file from the releases page (you can also click here)

  2. Open a terminal, and navigate to the project directory:

cd ginettept1_0_0
  1. Open the .env file (located in the root directory) in your favorite editor, and enter your open ai API KEY (again - if you don't yet have one see see this) where it says YOUR_API_KEY_HERE. Save the file. NOTE: this is all stored locally - this information will never leave your laptop. Do not share your API key with anyone!
  1. Install dependencies for python:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Start the server!
pip3 app.py
  1. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5000 to start chatting with Ginette :-)

Usage (release)

  1. Type your message in the input field at the bottom of the chat window.
  2. Press Enter to send the message or click on the "Send" icon.
  3. You can use markdown to format your messages
  4. To clear the conversation, press Shift + Delete on your keyboard.

Future releases

What I plan to add:

  • Persisting the conversation in build (it works in the source code by launching npm and flask server, in messages.json) so that closing your browser doesn't lose the chat
  • Support for code block syntax highlighting (through hljs) from both sending and receiving messages - got it working at one point, but it was too wonky to include it.

Customization (source code)

If you want to customize the application, you can modify the following:

  • components/message.js: Modify the Message component to change the appearance of individual messages.
  • pages/index.jsx: Modify the main application page to change the layout or add new features.
  • scripts/utils.js: Add or modify utility functions if needed.
  • scripts/api/backend.js: Communication with the python backend.
  • app.py handles all communications to and fro GPT api server. You can change which model version to use (it's GPT-4 by default), tokenization logic, etc.


If you'd like to contribute, feel free to fork this repository, create a new branch with your changes, and open a pull request. We appreciate your help!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.