
earlybird.io is an ecommerce platform for farmers markets built with a React-Redux front-end and connected to a Rails API backend. Have you ever gone to a farmer’s market only to find that every vendor is sold out of eggs, organic bacon, or fresh whole chickens? earlybird.io is a solution to ensure that Localvores, like you, always get the fresh food you’re looking, without needing to be first in line at the market.

  • Built front-end UI using React and Redux middleware to respond to and modify state change

  • Collected and persisted data to Rails API

  • Utilized React-Router to provide dynamic routing within a Single Page App

  • Made use of async actions within Redux-thunk and fetch()

homepage products cart


Fork and clone repo

cd early-bird
bundle install
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed

Then rake start to start Rails and React servers


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at https://github.com/lauradarlak/early-bird


This project has been licensed under the MIT open source license.