This is a planning poker app built using Node.js, Apollo GraphQL, TypeScript, and React.
- Docker installed on your local machine.
Follow these steps to set up the app using Docker:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
clone_path=C:\workdir\Auto-GPT\auto_gpt_workspace repository_url= directory=planningPoker
- Navigate to the
cd planningPoker/server
- Build the Docker image for the server:
docker build -t planning-poker-server .
This command will create a Docker image named planning-poker-server
- Run the Docker container for the server:
docker run -p 4000:4000 planning-poker-server
This command will start a Docker container with the server running on port 4000. You can access the GraphQL API at http://localhost:4000/graphql
- In a new terminal window, navigate to the
cd planning-poker/client
- Build the Docker image for the client (make sure you have a Dockerfile in the client folder as well):
docker build -t planning-poker-client .
This command will create a Docker image named planning-poker-client
- Run the Docker container for the client:
docker run -p 3000:3000 planning-poker-client
This command will start a Docker container with the client running on port 3000. You can access the app in your browser at http://localhost:3000
Now you have the planning poker app running locally on your machine using Docker. Enjoy using the app!
Without docker
Start the server 1. npm install 2. Build the server:
npm run build
This command compiles the TypeScript files into JavaScript and places the output in the dist directory.
Run the server:
npm run serve
Start the client
npm install
2. npm run build
The planning poker app aims to provide an interactive and efficient way for Agile teams to estimate their work items. The app should meet the following user requirements:
Planning Poker Sessions:
- Users should be able to start a planning poker session.
- A unique link should be generated for each planning poker session.
- Anyone with the link should be able to join the planning poker session without needing to sign up or log in.
- Users should be able to see a list of available planning poker cards with common values (e.g., 0, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100, ?, and ∞).
- Users should be able to select a card to represent their estimate for the work item being discussed.
- After all participants have chosen a card, the chosen cards should be revealed to everyone.
- If there's no consensus on the estimate, the team should be able to discuss and repeat the voting process until a consensus is reached.
- The final estimate should be saved and displayed in the session history.
Real-time Updates:
- The app should provide real-time updates to all participants during a planning poker session, ensuring that everyone sees the same information simultaneously.
- Users should be able to view the history of past planning poker sessions, including the estimates given for each work item.
Responsive Design:
- The app should be accessible and responsive on various devices, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Security and Data Privacy:
- The app should store user data securely and comply with data privacy regulations.