avatar Laura Gabrysiak

Data Scientist | UX Specialist

R, Python, Git, Tableau, GoogleSuite

  • Passionate about the design and implementation of algorithms to solve challenging problems that require building scalable predictive models.
  • Keen interest in combining quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to extract end-user insights.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computational Linguistics and master’s degree in Information Systems with emphasis in Business Analytics and Text Mining.


IT Business Consultant @Lovion GmbH   May 2014 - July 2016

Python, NLTK, R, sentiment, Shiny

  • Used Text Mining (Sentiment Analysis on large scale Twitter and FB data) to identify product resonance and market opportunities using LSI and IT-IDF algorithms. (Python, nltk).
  • Designed and created dashboards (including GIS data) for advisory board in order to support decision-making. (R, Shiny, ggplot2).
  • Facilitated of co-innovation sessions in order to customize KPIs and support software internationalization. Implemented a customer’s churn prediction model helping identify opportunities within the Spain/Italy market. (R, caret)

UX Researcher @SAP Design & CoInnovation Center (DCC) Berlin, Germany   May 2013 - July 2014

Adobe Suite, Balsamiq, R (Curl)

  • Facilitation and support of Design Thinking awareness Workshops (in-house, with customers). Implementation of the Design Thinking approach end-to-end to develop innovative software solutions.

Internship @SAP Design & CoInnovation Center (DCC) Palo Alto, USA   May 2013 - December 2013

Adobe Suite, Balsamiq, Python

  • Worked as a User Researcher using qualitative and quantitative research methods to extract end-users insights.
  • Facilitation and support of co-innovation workshops (in-house, with customers). Implementation of the Design Thinking approach end-to-end to develop software solutions. Design and conduction of user interviews and testing sessions (in-lab & onsite observation)
  • Extraction and analysis of twitter data to identify market trends and target groups needs.

Research Assistant @Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)July 2010 - July 2012

Python, Protege, Rapidminer

Worked as a Research Assistant at several EU-funded projects including 'LT-World' and 'DFKI-LT - META-Net':

  • Supervision and maintenance of the ontology-based portal LT-World. Design and implementation of a web crawler to extract relevant events. Design and implementation of an automated event-classifier using Python for automatically maintaining calendar events.
  • Supervision and maintenance of the ontology-based portal META-NET.


R, Tableau, SPSS, SQL, SaSS, DB2

International Summer School in Economics and Management (ISSEM) @University of Havana, Cuba   2014, 2015

Development Economics, Design Thinking

  • Participated as a tutor, teaching at the 'Design Thinking' course.
  • Selected Courses: Development Economics, Information Mngt & IT Strategy

Weka, Rapidminer, C++, Prolog

  • Thesis: "Using Automated Text Categorization for knowledge portal updating purposes" (Prof. Manfred Stede - in collaboration with DFKI Berlin)
  • Selected Courses: Theoretical Informatics (I+II), Computation Linguistics Methods,

Study Abroad: @University of Trento, Italy   2009 - 2010

Weka, SVM_Light, BART

Academic Training: Basic/Advanced Track @Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI dschool), Germany   2010 - 2011

Design Thinking approach, Innovation Management, Balsamiq


RStudio, ggplot2, rattle, Tex, it-idf, Python, scrappy, S3, RS3, rmr2

  • Detection of user behaviour using sentiment analysis and topic modeling (LSI, IT-IDF). Extraction of the data using 'scrappy' and 'beautifulsoup'(Python). The data analysis and modeling was done with R using 'sentiment' (discontinued by CRAN).

RStudio, ggplot2, caret, Tex, regression models

  • Replication of the Solow growth model based on (Mankiw, Romer and Weil, 1992) and revision of the model using extracted World Bank data.

RStudio, R, caret, ensemble

  • Prediction of Customer Churn using the AdaBoost Classifier.


Editor & Operating System

RStudio, Pycharm, Sublime, Kile | MacOS, Ubuntu

Programming Languages

R, Python, Tex, SQL


ISSEM, Instructor Sept 2014, April 2015

Economics, Summer School, Cuba

  • Worked as an Instructor at the course 'Applied Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking' with a group of international students from Berlin and Havana.
  • Students were mixed with real star-ups to solve real life problems using the Design Thinking approach and the Business Canvas Model for Business development.

R-Ladies Miami, Organizer April 2017 - current

R, meetup, community building

  • The goal of R-Ladies Miami is to build a more inclusive R community in Miami/Broward. THis is a non-profit, female-centric civil community, designed to develop it's members' R skills & knowledge through social, collaborative learning & sharing.